Western Alumni Association | Western Technical College

Alumni Association

Building Western pride one student at a time, the Alumni Association is committed to keeping you connected long after you've earned your diploma. From alumni events and support for scholarship to helping recruit prospective students, they serve as the connection among alumni, students, staff, and the community.

Whether you were in the class of 2024 or 1980, the Alumni Association is your lasting connection to Western.

The Alumni Association Vision and Mission


The Western Technical College Alumni Association will champion a life-long relationship between Western Technical College and its alumni in support of being the college of first choice in our region.


The Western Technical College Alumni Association celebrates and builds traditions and promotes high quality education by engaging alumni, students, and friends of Western Technical College.

Alumni Association Goals & Objectives

  • To further develop an alumni association which supports the mission and goals of Western Technical College and the Foundation.
    • Ensure effective communication with alumni.
    • Provide opportunities for alumni to network and interact with the college, students, and communities served.
    • Engage the alumni constituency by promoting services and support.
    • Promote the alumni association and engage current students in order to enhance their educational experience and encourage their involvement as alumni.
    • Educate alumni about the value and opportunities for philanthropic support.
  • To maintain a responsible and productive alumni association board which sets strategic direction and brings value to the work of the association.
    • Recruit enthusiastic and committed board members representing the demographics of Western graduates.
    • Foster productive committees to support the purpose of the alumni association and increase alumni engagement.
    • Develop high quality and effective programming for alumni.

Alumni Association Board

Get Involved!The Western Alumni Association fosters a relationship with alumni, building a sense of pride in their alma mater and a commitment to the work of the college. Alumni are invaluable to the College as they promote the recruitment of prospective students, hire our graduates, are valued program resources, advocate for technical education, are role models in our communities, and provide financial support for scholarships, programs, and other college needs.

The Western Alumni Board, in collaboration with the Alumni Office, provides direction for the Alumni Association, facilitating strong affiliations among alumni, students, staff, and community. The board members serve as leaders and role models for other alumni, ensure the mission of the Association is maintained, advise the College when requested, are liaisons between the College and its alumni, and serve as ambassadors in their communities.

Stephanie Knutson Alumni and Foundation Coordinator Western Technical College
Craig Halvorson '03 CIS Network Specialist Business Biology / West Salem School District
Kevin Knerzer '03 Accounting WKBT News 8
Anna Kramer '07 Accounting Gundersen
MacKenze Ramsey '16 Dental Assistant River Town Dental
Diedra Torgeson '16 Supervisory Management   OptumServe Health Services

Alumni Board Emeritus Members

  • Paul Balmer, '92 Mechanical Design, Fastenal
  • Josh Berg, '06 Culinary Management, UW-Stevens Point
  • Kathy Brudos, '77 Nursing, Retired - Gundersen Health System
  • Pat Cavadini, '01 Electronic Servicing Tech, Retired - Dairyland Power Cooperative
  • Chad Dutton, '92 Mechanical Design, ZF TRW
  • Jeff Fancher, '81 Electronics and '86 Supervisory Management, Western Technical College
  • Patty Fetting, '80 Secretarial Science, Dairyland Power Cooperative
  • Tina Flick, '89 Health Unit Clerk and '04 Supervisory Management, Gundersen Health System
  • Jessica Frei, '13 Marketing, Bank of Cashton
  • Denise Hanrahan-Brown, '85 Respiratory Therapy Technician, Franciscan Healthcare
  • Tina Johns, '91 Medical Administrative Specialist, Viterbo University
  • Mary Jo Klos, '80 Nursing, Gundersen Health System
  • Debbie LeJeune, '97 ITC Computerized Accounting/CIS Microcomputer Spec and '07 Accounting, Hawkins, Ash, Baptie
  • Lynn Lenz, '86 Respiratory Therapy Technician, Western Technical College
  • Summer Niemeier, '09 Business Mgmt and '99 Commercial Art, Thorson Graphics LLC
  • Lenora Parr, '10 Respiratory Therapist, VA Medical Center
  • Rachel Reeck, '15 Nursing and '14 Practical Nursing, Gundersen Health System
  • Brian Reitzel, '92 Wood Tech, All American Home Inspections
  • Kim Ryan, '03 Human Resources-Business Admin, Hiawatha Valley Mental Health Center
  • Domanic Scardino, '06 Marketing, Credit Acceptance Corp
  • Sandra Schulz, '12 Central Service Tech and '11 Disability Support Spec, Western Technical College
  • Mary Jo Stokes, '86 Nursing, '73 Practical Nursing, and '71 CNA, Retired - State of Wisconsin Dept. of Health Services
  • Cinda Vingers, '77 Secretarial Science and '88 Supervisory Management, Dairyland Power Cooperative
  • Jean Walleser, '80 Medical Records, J & J Farms
  • Bill Welch, '70 Electronics, Retired - Western Technical College

Alumni Awards

Western's greatest source of pride is the personal and professional achievements of its alumni, those who have gone on to distinguish themselves in their personal and professional lives, representing the best that Western has to offer. Recipients are selected based on demonstration of the following:

  • Dedicated service to the community or nation
  • Leadership
  • Personal growth and achievement
  • Professional achievement
  • Contributions to the Western district


Nomination forms 

Distinguished Alumni Award Recipients

View award recipients

Contact Us

Our door is always open, even after graduation.

Alumni Office

Physical Address:
Alumni Office 
Coleman Center, Room 111

Mailing Address:
Western Technical Alumni 
400 7th St North
La Crosse, WI 54601

Phone: 608-789-6083
Email: alumni@westerntc.edu