Consider naming a brick on the pathway to the future for Western students. Together with others, your brick will be located in the courtyard between the Integrated Technology, Business Education, and Student Success Centers.
Realizing the Vision
The Western Foundation works quietly in the background, making the highest aspirations of Western and its students possible through scholarships, grants, and distance education. Our mission is to deliver opportunities for a quality education—to open doors.
We are strategic and diligent, continually developing staff, programs, and assets to prepare students for a world that is changing quickly. We believe in the potential of western Wisconsin communities and the people who live here.
Together. Build the Pathway to the Future.
Your Gifts Make a Real Difference
See how your support of Western scholarships is appreciated... and life-changing.
Give the gift of a great education through your philanthropy. Would you like to discuss your giving options? Please get in touch with us.
Foundation Office
Coleman Center, Room 111
617 Vine Street
La Crosse, WI 54601