Automotive Service Technician - Level 2 | Western Technical College

Automotive Service Technician - Level 2

Technical Diploma

Program Number: 



Financial Aid Eligible

Typical Start: 


The knowledge and skills gained from this program will prepare you for a position as an automotive technician with responsibilities that are above entry-level. Coursework includes steering and suspensions, brake systems, and overall engine performance.

Emphasis is placed on hands-on experiences and includes the use of diagnostic equipment and emission control devices, computerized engine control systems, input sensors, output devices, and exhaust systems.

Classes are held at Western's state-of-the-art Automotive Facility, located in La Crosse's industrial park, 2721 Larson Street. Check our interactive map for specific location information.

Automotive Service Technician - Level 2 Image
Estimated Program Costs

Estimated Program Cost

Automotive Service Technician - Level 2

This program will cost about $3,775* based on tuition and basic program fees. There may be additional fees for books, materials, and testing. For more information on tuition costs, view the Tuition page or Cost of Attendance document.

* Tuition and fees are subject to change.

Graduation Employment Stats

Automotive Service Technician - Level 2 2021, 2022, & 2023 Graduation Employment Stats

Graduates Responding44
Employed in Related Occupation1
Employed in Non-related Occupations1
Seeking Employment0
Continuing Education40
Not in Labor Market42

Salary Data - Related Employment

Part TimeFull Time
Average Hours Per Week
Average Hourly Wage
Hourly Wage Range
Average Annual Salary

Respondents in Related Occupations

No occupations reported.

Career Opportunities

Automotive Technician
Automotive Mechanic
Quick Lube Technician
Parts Specialist

Program Outcomes

  • Demonstrate professionalism appropriate for the auto service industry
  • Perform diagnosis, service, and repair of automotive brake systems
  • Perform maintenance and light repair of automotive electrical and electronic systems
  • Perform diagnosis, service, and repair of automotive steering and suspension systems
  • Perform maintenance and light repair of automotive internal combustion engines
  • Perform maintenance of automotive automatic transmission/transaxle systems
  • Perform maintenance of automotive manual drive train and axles systems
  • Perform maintenance and light repair of automotive engine performance systems

Admission Requirements

College Requirements

$30 Application Fee

Software and Technology

Most of Western’s classes require the use of a personal computer or laptop, standard software, internet access, and other technology-related items.

If you do not have a personal computer or laptop, or if the one you have does not meet the following criteria, resources may be available. Submit a Student Resource Request using our online form.

Computer/Laptop Hardware

  • Smartphones are not recommended for completing assignments.
  • Chromebooks are not recommended due to issues with installing software that is needed for classes, such as Office 365.
  • Web camera with microphone (usually built into newer laptops or can be purchased separately) is necessary for online participation.

Software Needs

For detailed specifications, please review Technology and Software Recommendations for Most Classes on Western’s IT Knowledgebase.

Campus Resources

Need Assistance?

  • Contact the Learning Commons! The staff are happy to answer questions, provide individualized assistance, and direct you to other supports as needed.

Career Pathways

This program is part of a career pathway, a laddered approach to career education. It allows you to earn employer-recognized credentials that lead to job and career advancement.

Automotive Service Technician - Level 2

Career Pathways

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