Experience 2025 Strategic Plan
Student success is the hallmark of Experience 2025. At Western, student success means the college is student-ready. It means that all employees have the commitment and the capability to serve greater numbers of traditionally underserved students.
The plan’s four strategic directions and corresponding strategic goals align with the College’s key results and are designed to help the College achieve outcomes that place Western in the top 25 percent of WTCS colleges by 2025 (25X25). High-level strategies will guide division, department, and individual growth plans and day-to-day priorities.
Strategic Direction Foundation Statements were developed to guide the goals and high-level strategies. Strategic Goal Measures were established to track the College’s progress toward the goals.
First Choice Service

- Increase overall student satisfaction from 69% in 2017 to 75% by 2021.
- Increase student engagement with student support services from a score of 48.6 to 52 by 2025.
- Implement the Enrollment Journey and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system.
- Use “real time” or “point of service” feedback to respond to stakeholders.
- 100% of employees complete Essential Experience professional development.
- Implement K-12 on-ramps to increase the percent of high school students who transition to Western within the first year.
- Configure and schedule programs to reduce time-to-completion to accommodate the part-time learner.
Workforce and Community Engagement

- Infuse work-based learning and community-based learning in 100% of associate degree and technical diploma programs by 2025.
- Implement a comprehensive and responsive workforce sector development strategy by 2025.
Configure program designs to incorporate an intentional work-based learning experience.
Configure program designs to incorporate an intentional community-based learning experience.
Optimize Regional Learning Centers.
Redesign the Program Mix Analysis process.
Equity, Inclusion, and Support

Eliminate course completion, retention, and graduation equity gaps between black, Hispanic/Latino, and Native American students and white students by 2025.
Increase enrollment of program-declared students of color from 12.82% in 2018 to 15% in 2025.
Implement Guided Pathways college-wide.
Infuse evidence-based, equitable practices in all programs and general education disciplines.
Increase diversity of Western employees.
Implement an intentional recruitment model to attract greater numbers of students of color.
Infuse poverty-informed practices throughout the college.
Employee Engagement

- Increase engaged co-workers from 35% in 2017 to 45% by 2025.
Provide an opportunity for all employees to establish professional goals, review progress, and receive feedback and support from their supervisors in a structured format.
Implement employee engagement action plans college-wide using the Gallup Q12 feedback.
Use transparent communication methods.