Fire Protection Technician | Western Technical College

Fire Protection Technician

Associate Degree

Program Number: 



Financial Aid Eligible

Typical Start: 


Western's Fire Protection Technician program is designed to provide you with the latest knowledge and skills in fire prevention and firefighting, preparing you for a rewarding career in the fire service. As a firefighter, you'll be a frontline responder, taking action in the face of accidents, fires, natural disasters, and various emergencies that jeopardize lives and property. You'll collaborate in teams to rescue victims, offer assistance, recover property, and operate essential firefighting equipment such as ladders and firefighting vehicles. During periods of non-emergencies, firefighters also play a vital role in educating individuals and businesses on fire safety, maintaining firefighting equipment, and conducting training to uphold your knowledge and skills.

While most firefighters serve in city fire departments, opportunities also exist in diverse settings such as airports, chemical plants, and wildland firefighting. The training offered in this program not only prepares you for these roles but also sets the stage for achieving essential certifications, including Wisconsin IFSAC Firefighter I & II, Fire Inspector I, Hazmat Operations, Driver/Operator-Pumper certification, and the Nationally Registered Emergency Medical Technician-Basic (NREMT-B) certification. With these skills and certifications, you will be well-equipped to make a significant impact in the field of fire protection and emergency response.

Courses are held at Western's state-of-the-art Public Safety Training Facility in Sparta.

Starting fall 2024, Western will offer an Experienced Firefighter Pathway to help full-time firefighters complete their Fire Protection Technician associate degree while continuing to work and serve their communities. Read about this new offering.

To view the Fire Protection Technician program’s required disclosure on professional licensure, please click here.

Fire Protection Technician Image
Estimated Program Costs

Estimated Program Cost

Fire Protection Technician

This program will cost about $10,013* based on tuition and basic program fees. There may be additional fees for books, materials, and testing. For more information on tuition costs, view the Tuition page or Cost of Attendance document.

* Tuition and fees are subject to change.

Graduation Employment Stats

Fire Protection Technician 2021, 2022, & 2023 Graduation Employment Stats

Graduates Responding10
Employed in Related Occupation5
Employed in Non-related Occupations2
Seeking Employment0
Continuing Education2
Not in Labor Market3

Salary Data - Related Employment

Part TimeFull Time
Average Hours Per Week66
Average Hourly Wage$21.12
Hourly Wage Range$16.90-$25.33
Average Annual Salary$58,145

Respondents in Related Occupations

  • EMT, Captain/EMT, Firefighter

Career Opportunities


Program Outcomes

  • Demonstrate professional conduct by displaying personal code of ethics, positive work ethics, flexibility, teamwork skills, physical fitness, safe procedures, and sensitivity to diverse cultures and individuals
  • Perform fire prevention activities including preplanning, public education, inspection, and investigation
  • Apply incident management and mitigation skills to emergency incidents
  • Meet professional fire and EMS credentialing standards
  • Communicate clearly and effectively both verbally and through written documentation with clients, coworkers, other agencies, and supervisors
  • Apply critical thinking skills to both emergency and non-emergency situations

Admission Requirements

College Requirements

$30 Application Fee
High School or GED/HSED Transcript

Software and Technology

Most of Western’s classes require the use of a personal computer or laptop, standard software, internet access, and other technology-related items.

If you do not have a personal computer or laptop, or if the one you have does not meet the following criteria, resources may be available. Submit a Student Resource Request using our online form.

Computer/Laptop Hardware

  • Smartphones are not recommended for completing assignments.
  • Chromebooks are not recommended due to issues with installing software that is needed for classes, such as Office 365.
  • Web camera with microphone (usually built into newer laptops or can be purchased separately) is necessary for online participation.

Software Needs

For detailed specifications, please review Technology and Software Recommendations for Most Classes on Western’s IT Knowledgebase.

Campus Resources

Need Assistance?

  • Contact the Learning Commons! The staff are happy to answer questions, provide individualized assistance, and direct you to other supports as needed.

Transfer Agreements

University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh

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