Funeral Service | Western Technical College

Funeral Service

Associate Degree

Program Number: 



Financial Aid Eligible

Typical Start: 


This program prepares you for a career as a licensed funeral director and embalmer in a profession that demands compassion, dedication, and creativity. Once accepted into the program, you will be immersed in all facets of the funeral profession and trained to become one of the best funeral directors in the expanding death-care career area.

Courses provide a variety of unique learning opportunities through lectures, hands-on labs, field trips, seminars, guest speakers, and internships. Topics include embalming, arranger training, grief studies, business management, religious funeral practices, regulatory compliance, and more.

Training takes place in classrooms, state-of-the-art embalming and restorative art labs, an arrangement conference room, a merchandise selection room, and a funeral chapel.

Upon completion of the program, you will earn an associate degree and be eligible to take the National Board Exam for funeral directors (required for licensure).

This program is offered in partnership with Milwaukee Area Technical College (MATC). You will complete one year at Western, then transfer to MATC to complete the degree.

For more information, visit MATC's Funeral Service program page.

Funeral Service image
Estimated Program Costs

Estimated Program Cost

Funeral Service

This program will cost about $5,089* based on tuition and basic program fees. There may be additional fees for books, materials, and testing. For more information on tuition costs, view the Tuition page or Cost of Attendance document.

* Tuition and fees are subject to change.

Graduation Employment Stats

Graduation Employment Stats

Western conducts a follow-up survey of all grads six months after graduation to find out if they are employed in a job related to their program, how much they are making, and where they are employed.

Survey information is not currently available for this program. Please contact an Admissions Coach or call 606-785-9200 for more information.

Career Opportunities

Funeral Director
Funeral Services Manager
Grief Counselor
Pre-need Counselor
Funeral Service Assistant
End-of-Life Doula

Program Outcomes

  • Explain the importance of funeral service professionals in developing relationships with the families and communities they serve
  • Identify standards of ethical conduct in funeral service practice
  • Interpret how federal, state, and local laws apply to funeral service in order to ensure compliance
  • Apply principles of public health and safety in the handling and preparation of human remains
  • Demonstrate technical skills in embalming and restorative art that are necessary for the preparation and handling of human remains
  • Demonstrate skills required for conducting arrangement conferences, visitations, services, and ceremonies
  • Describe the requirements and procedures for burial, cremation, and other accepted forms of final disposition of human remains
  • Describe methods to address the grief-related needs of the bereaved
  • Explain management skills associated with operating a funeral establishment
  • Demonstrate verbal and written communication skills and research skills needed for funeral service practice

Admission Requirements

College Requirements

$30 Application Fee

Additional Requirements

MATC uses a petition process for admittance to the last two terms of this program. 

In addition:

  • A minimum of 24 college credits in areas specified by the state examining board are required for admission into the Funeral Service program at MATC. The courses taken at Western meet those requirements. See a MATC Community & Human Services Pathway advisor for more information.
  • B- (or higher) is required in Business and Natural Sciences courses.
  • C (or higher) is required in General Education courses.
  • One year of high school-level biology and chemistry is required.

Software and Technology

Most of Western’s classes require the use of a personal computer or laptop, standard software, internet access, and other technology-related items.

If you do not have a personal computer or laptop, or if the one you have does not meet the following criteria, resources may be available. Submit a Student Resource Request using our online form.

Computer/Laptop Hardware

  • Smartphones are not recommended for completing assignments.
  • Chromebooks are not recommended due to issues with installing software that is needed for classes, such as Office 365.
  • Web camera with microphone (usually built into newer laptops or can be purchased separately) is necessary for online participation.

Software Needs

For detailed specifications, please review Technology and Software Recommendations for Most Classes on Western’s IT Knowledgebase.

Campus Resources

Need Assistance?

  • Contact the Learning Commons! The staff are happy to answer questions, provide individualized assistance, and direct you to other supports as needed.


The Funeral Service degree program at Milwaukee Area Technical College - West Allis Campus is accredited by the American Board of Funeral Service Education (ABFSE), 992 Mantua Pike, Suite 108, Woodbury Heights, NJ 08097; 816-233-3747;

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