IT-Computer Support Technician | Western Technical College

IT-Computer Support Technician

Technical Diploma

Program Number: 



Financial Aid Eligible

Typical Start: 


Western's Computer Support Technician program offers a hands-on learning experience that can pave the way to employment as a level-one technician. This technical diploma will equip you with essential skills, transforming you into an adept problem-solver and an attentive listener with a strong technical foundation in hardware, software, and network maintenance, along with a fundamental understanding of programming.

Your training will occur in both Western's Student-Run Help Desk and the classroom, ensuring a comprehensive and immersive experience that prepares you for a successful career in the field of computer support.

IT-Computer Support Technician Image
Estimated Program Costs

Estimated Program Cost

IT-Computer Support Technician

This program will cost about $4,596* based on tuition and basic program fees. There may be additional fees for books, materials, and testing. For more information on tuition costs, view the Tuition page or Cost of Attendance document.

* Tuition and fees are subject to change.

Graduation Employment Stats

IT-Computer Support Technician 2021, 2022, & 2023 Graduation Employment Stats

Graduates Responding5
Employed in Related Occupation1
Employed in Non-related Occupations1
Seeking Employment0
Continuing Education3
Not in Labor Market3

Salary Data - Related Employment

Part TimeFull Time
Average Hours Per Week
Average Hourly Wage
Hourly Wage Range
Average Annual Salary

Respondents in Related Occupations

No occupations reported.

Career Opportunities

Computer Specialist
Computer Technician
Data Entry Technician
Help Desk Technician/Specialist
Client Service Specialist

Program Outcomes

  • Provide entry level end user support
  • Manage operating systems and application software
  • Support information technology hardware
  • Provide basic network support for existing network installations

Admission Requirements

College Requirements

$30 Application Fee

Software and Technology

This program requires specific software and technology to complete classwork. Click here to see the list of items you will need for your courses.

If you do not have access to the items listed for your program, or if the items you have do not meet the requirements, resources may be available. Submit a Student Resource Request using our online form.

Internet access is required to access student accounts from off campus. The Learning Commons can provide information on free, off-campus Wi-Fi spots. Contact them at or call 608-785-9198.

For additional specifications, please review Technology and Software Recommendations for Most Classes on Western’s IT Knowledgebase.

Career Pathways

This program is part of a career pathway, a laddered approach to career education. It allows you to earn employer-recognized credentials that lead to job and career advancement.

IT-Computer Support Technician

Career Pathways

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