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Western's IT-Web & Software program offers an exciting, challenging, and hands-on curriculum to prepare you for employment in the field of Information Technology as entry-level programmers. A diverse set of technology-focused classes are designed to introduce you to:
* Designing and querying databases
* Programming and problem solving via object-oriented programming
* Designing and building web and mobile applications
* Acquiring foundational IT skills with an introduction to computing and Information Technology
* Acquiring core IT infrastructure skills with an introduction to networking and server administration
Coming prepared with basic skills in computing, math & logic, and a determination to solve problems will set you up for success. You should also be prepared to use and enhance existing soft skills through active listening, organization, teamwork, and engaging with local employers in a professional manner via internships.
IT-Web & Software graduates will earn an associate degree, employment opportunities, and the chance for further study. You could continue your education by transferring to universities to seek degrees in Information Technology and Computer Science for increased earning potential.
Program instructors accept website work from the public that fits with the topic they are covering in class. To apply for this service, complete the Website Project Intake Form.